A new one-stop platform to apply for a master's degree in 2023

Education, Organisations – administrative life
On  January 23, 2023
À partir du mois de mars 2023, le dépôt des candidatures en première année de master s'effectuera sur la plateforme de recrutement et de candidature
À partir du mois de mars 2023, le dépôt des candidatures en première année de master s'effectuera sur la plateforme de recrutement et de candidature "Mon Master".
The application process for Master 1 programs is changing! The e-candidate platforms specific to each university will disappear in favor of a new single application platform. As of 1 February, 2023, the monmaster.gouv.fr website will bring together all information on master's degrees on a national level for students who wish to register for the first year of a master's degree. Here is a closer look at the new registration procedures and schedule.

Why a new platform?

This new platform standardizes the recruitment process at the national level and facilitates the procedures for candidates with the implementation of a single application file and the implementation of a common calendar for all higher education institutions. The monmaster.gouv.fr platform will replace the "Trouvermonmaster" website.

Who can apply?

The new national platform is for students who have (or are preparing for) a national bachelor's degree or another degree that allows access to the master's program, whether they are French or citizens of the European Economic Area, Andorra, Switzerland, or Monaco, as well as residents of a country that is not part of the Etudes en France system.

Some applicants will not be concerned by this scheme:
  • Applicants not from the European Economic Area, Andorra, Switzerland or Monaco, whose country of residence benefits from the Etudes en France program.
  • Students repeating their first year of the Master's program.
  • Candidates applying for a first year Master's program through a validation of higher education (VES) or a validation of professional experience (VAP).
  • Students whose curriculum automatically provides for admission to the first year of a Master's program, in particular students on a Master's program in Engineering (CMI).

How to apply on the new national platform?

Submitting applications

Candidates may submit a maximum of 15 applications and have a maximum of 15 additional applications for programs offered through work-study programs.

Applications will be counted for each Master's degree program within a given institution: applying for several programs within the same Master's degree at the same institution will count as a single application.

The choices will not be ranked in order of importance.

Admission to the first year of the Master's program is not automatic. Depending on the institution, it may be subject to:
  • an examination of the applicant's file
  • an interview
  • success in a competitive examination
Please note: some programs with specific features and timetables will not be recruiting for the first year of the master's program via the new platform. Students will therefore have to contact the institutions concerned to apply for these programs (e.g. international programs).

Entrance phase

Once the institutions have examined the applications, admission proposals will be made to the candidates, who will then be able to make a final choice of Master's program.

For each application, three cases are possible:
  • the student is accepted. They will have three days at the beginning of the admission phase, then this period will be reduced to one day, to validate their choice (definitively or while waiting for new proposals for the Masters for which they are on the waiting list)
  • the student is on the waiting list
  • the student is rejected
When a student accepts a final admission proposal, they lose the benefit of the other courses for which they have a favorable opinion.

Consequently, as the admission phase progresses, new places will become available and students will receive new offers until the end of the admission phase.

If the student is not accepted anywhere even though they have obtained their license, they can start a referral procedure with the rectorate to assert their right to continue their studies, provided they have met the referral conditions.

2023 Calendar

  • 22 March to 18 April 2023: Submission of applications on the new national platform
  • 24 April to 16 June 2023: Examination of applications and ranking by the institutions
  • 23 June to 21 July 2023: Transmission of admission proposals to applicants and applicants' responses
  • Administrative registration: according to the UGA's upcoming calendar

Calendar for work-study programs in 2023

  • 22 March to 30 September 2023: Submission and examination of applications by the institutions, transmission of admission proposals to candidates and candidates' responses.
Currently, all the web pages dedicated to the application procedures for Master 1 are being updated on the UGA website.
Published on  January 23, 2023
Updated on  February 13, 2023