Internship offers
Internship offers
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Additional fields: Health innovation, overcoming diseases and pandemics; Materials for tomorrow's innovative and sustainable industry; Clean energy transition, sustainable energy storage and clean hydrogen technologies; Planetary research and geoscience; Environmental and climate challenges; Bio-based economy and food security, Humanity and world cultural heritage
Instrumentation and platforms available: Synchrotron beamlines, X-ray
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Laue-Langevin Institut (ILL)
Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Additional research fields: Neutron diffraction, Nuclear and particle physics, Spectroscopy, Soft matter, Life science and neutrons
Instrumentation and platforms: Neutron beamlines
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European organization for nuclear research (CERN)
Nuclear Physics
Additional research fields: Large Hadron Collider, Antimatter, Higgs boson, Dark matter, Altiproton decelerator, Superconductivity, Magnetism, Cryogeny, Energy
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European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Molecular and Structural Biology
Additional research fields: Bioinoformatics, Cell Biology, Biophysics, Protein-RNA complexes, Cell signalling
Instrumentation and platforms: Cryo-electron microscopy, Synchrotron crystallography, High-throughput crystallization, Eukaryotic expression
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Insitute for millimetric raioastronomy (IRAM)
Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Additional research fields: Radioastronomy
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European Magnetic field Laboratory (EMFL)
Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Additional fields: Magnetism
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Science, material engineering and process laboratory (SIMaP)
Physical engineering, Material mechanical engineering, Process engineering
Additional fields: Material mechanics, Physics of metals, Metal alloys, Thermal treatment, Thermodynamics, Phase transitions and phase diagrams, Magneto-electro-dynamics, Cristallogenesis
Instrumentation and platforms available: Electromagnetic levitation, Plasmatic silicon purification, Small layer deposition, X-ray diffraction, Mass spectrometry, Auger spectrometry, Photoelectron spectrometry, Electron microscopy, AFM
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Spin in electronics Laboratory (Spintec)
Magnetism, Spintronic
Additional fields: 2D spintronic, Magnetic sensors, Spin insulatronics, Spintronic IC design, Spin textures, Spin orbitronics, Spintronic IC design
Instrumentation and platforms available: Material growth, Nanofabrication
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